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Filipa Castanheira, PhD

Phd in Social Psychology by the University of Lisbon. Full Professor at Nova SBE where she is also the Academic Director of the Post-Graduation in Applied Management and the Executive Master in Leadership.

Filipa teaches in customized and open programs of the Nova SBE Executive Education. Author of more than 35 articles in international journals and several books.

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Representative Publications


Castanheira, F., Sguera, F., & Story, J. (2022). Different facets of Politics and their Effects on Employees: A Multi-Method Mediational Investigation of Emotional Exhaustion and Authenticity. British Journal of Management.


Chambel, M.J., Santos, A., & Castanheira, F. (2022). Teleworking in times of Covid-19: The role of Family Supportive Supervisory Behaviors in workers’ work-family management, exhaustion, and work engagement. International Journal of Human Resource Management.


Rodrigues, F., Cunha, M.P., Castanheira, F., Bal, M., & Jansen, P. (2020). Person-Job Fit across the work lifespan- The case of classical ballet dancers. Journal of Vocational Behavior.


Story, J. & Castanheira, F. (2020). HPWS and performance in Call centers: Mediation by authenticity and the buffer effect of monitoring HR practices. Personnel Review, 50(3), 918-934.


Story, J., & Castanheira, F. (2019). Corporate Social Behavior and employee performance: Mediation by job satisfaction and affective commitment. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management.


Castanheira, F. (2016). Perceived social impact, social worth and job performance: mediation by motivation. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 37, 789-803.


Castanheira, F., & Story, J. (2016). Making good things last longer: The role of savoring on the relationship between HRM and positive employee outcomes. Human Resource Management,6 (1), 985-1000.


De Cuyper, N., Castanheira, F., De Witte, H., & Chambel, M.J. (2014). A multiple group analysis of associations between emotional exhaustion and supervisor-rated performance: Temporary versus permanent call center workers. Human Resource Management, 53 (4), 623-633.


Castanheira, F., & Chambel, M.J. (2010). Reducing burnout in call centers through HR practices. Human Resource Management, 49 (6), 1047-1065.


Chambel, M.J., & Castanheira, F. (2007). They don’t wan’t to be temporaries: Similarities between temps and core workers. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 28, 943-959.

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