Filipa Castanheira, PhD
Ph.D. em Psicologia Social pela Universidade de Lisboa. Professora Catedrática na Nova SBE onde é também Directora Académica da Pós Graduação em Gestão Aplicada e do Mestrado Executivo em Liderança, sendo docente em programas de formação de executivos customizados e abertos da Nova SBE Executive Education. Autora de mais de 35 artigos publicados em revistas internacionais de renome e de vários livros e capítulos.
Publicações Representativas
Castanheira, F., Sguera, F., & Story, J. (2022). Different facets of Politics and their Effects on Employees: A Multi-Method Mediational Investigation of Emotional Exhaustion and Authenticity. British Journal of Management.
Chambel, M.J., Santos, A., & Castanheira, F. (2022). Teleworking in times of Covid-19: The role of Family Supportive Supervisory Behaviors in workers’ work-family management, exhaustion, and work engagement. International Journal of Human Resource Management.
Rodrigues, F., Cunha, M.P., Castanheira, F., Bal, M., & Jansen, P. (2020). Person-Job Fit across the work lifespan- The case of classical ballet dancers. Journal of Vocational Behavior.
Story, J. & Castanheira, F. (2020). HPWS and performance in Call centers: Mediation by authenticity and the buffer effect of monitoring HR practices. Personnel Review, 50(3), 918-934.
Story, J., & Castanheira, F. (2019). Corporate Social Behavior and employee performance: Mediation by job satisfaction and affective commitment. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management.
Castanheira, F. (2016). Perceived social impact, social worth and job performance: mediation by motivation. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 37, 789-803.
Castanheira, F., & Story, J. (2016). Making good things last longer: The role of savoring on the relationship between HRM and positive employee outcomes. Human Resource Management,6 (1), 985-1000.
De Cuyper, N., Castanheira, F., De Witte, H., & Chambel, M.J. (2014). A multiple group analysis of associations between emotional exhaustion and supervisor-rated performance: Temporary versus permanent call center workers. Human Resource Management, 53 (4), 623-633.
Castanheira, F., & Chambel, M.J. (2010). Reducing burnout in call centers through HR practices. Human Resource Management, 49 (6), 1047-1065.
Chambel, M.J., & Castanheira, F. (2007). They don’t wan’t to be temporaries: Similarities between temps and core workers. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 28, 943-959.