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Captura de ecrã 2023-11-10, às 11_edited

Pedro Neves, PhD

Phd in Social and Organizational Psychology and was Post Doctoral Researcher at the University of Delaware. Full Professor at Nova SBE where he is also the Academic Director of the Post-Graduation in Leadership and Talent Management and the Executive Master in Leadership. He teaches in customized and open programs of the Nova SBE Executive Education. Author of more than 40 articles in international journals and several books and chapters, including the 7th edition of the “Manual de Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão” (co-author) and the Handbook of Methods in Leadership Research (co-editor). He is currently President-Elect of the International  Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP) and Associate Editor of the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science.

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Representative Publications


Lopez, A., Neves, P., & Gonzalez-Morales, M.G. (2022). What does it take to start a business? Constraint appraisal as predictor of taking entrepreneurial action among nascent entrepreneurs. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 71(4), 1275-1303.


Neves, P., Lopes, D., & Costa, S. (2021). Empowering to reduce intentions to resist future change: Organization-based self-esteem as a boundary condition. British Journal of Management, 32(3), 872-891.


Neves, P., & Karagonlar, G. (2020). Does leader humor style matter and to whom? Journal of Managerial Psychology, 35(2), 115-128.


Velez, M.J. & Neves, P. (2018). Shaping emotional reactions to ethical behaviors: Proactive personality as a substitute for ethical leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 29(6), 663-673.


Neves, P., Almeida, P., & Velez, M.J. (2018) Reducing intentions to resist future change: Combined effects of commitment-based HR practices and ethical leadership. Human Resource Management, 57(1), 249-261.


Costa, S., & Neves, P. (2017). Forgiving is good for health and performance: How forgiveness helps individuals cope with the psychological contract breach. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 100, 124-136.


Neves, P. & Story, J. (2015). Ethical leadership and reputation: Combined indirect effects on organizational deviance. Journal of Business Ethics, 127(1), 165-176.


Neves, P. (2014). Taking it out on survivors: Downsizing, submissive employees and abusive supervision. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 87(3), 507-534.


Neves, P. (2012). Organizational cynicism: Spillover effects on supervisor-subordinate relationships and performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(6), 965-976.


Eisenberger, R., Karagonlar, G., Stinglhamber, F., Neves, P., Becker, T.E., Steiger-Mueller, M., & Gonzalez-Morales, G. (2010). Leader-member exchange and affective organizational commitment: The contribution of supervisor’s organizational embodiment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95(6), 1085-1103.

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